141void ellipse(float x, float y, float width, float height, int slices=24 );
153void rect(float x, float y, float width, float height);
160void strokeWeight(float width);
163 //Draws all geometry with smooth (anti-aliased) edges. This will slow down the frame rate of the application, but will enhance the visual refinement.
164 void smooth();
166 //Draws all geometry with jagged (aliased) edges.
167 void noSmooth();
169 //Sets the style of the joints which connect line segments. These joints are either mitered, beveled, or rounded and specified with the corresponding parameters MITER, BEVEL, and ROUND. The default joint is MITER.
170 void strokeJoin(moP5StrokeJoinMode MODE);
172 //The origin of the ellipse is modified by the ellipseMode() function. The default configuration is ellipseMode(CENTER), which specifies the location of the ellipse as the center of the shape. The RADIUS mode is the same, but the width and height parameters to ellipse() specify the radius of the ellipse, rather than the diameter. The CORNER mode draws the shape from the upper-left corner of its bounding box. The CORNERS mode uses the four parameters to ellipse() to set two opposing corners of the ellipse's bounding box.
173 void ellipseMode(moP5ShapeMode MODE);
175 //Modifies the location from which rectangles draw. The default mode is rectMode(CORNER), which specifies the location to be the upper left corner of the shape and uses the third and fourth parameters of rect() to specify the width and height. The syntax rectMode(CORNERS) uses the first and second parameters of rect() to set the location of one corner and uses the third and fourth parameters to set the opposite corner. The syntax rectMode(CENTER) draws the image from its center point and uses the third and forth parameters of rect() to specify the image's width and height. The syntax rectMode(RADIUS) draws the image from its center point and uses the third and forth parameters of rect() to specify half of the image's width and height.
176 void rectMode(moP5ShapeMode MODE);
178 //Sets the style for rendering line endings. These ends are either squared, extended, or rounded and specified with the corresponding parameters SQUARE, PROJECT, and ROUND. The default cap is ROUND.